Practise PEACE

If you live in Kenya, you know that the past two weeks have been characterized by chaos, unrest and protests; and sadly there have been lives lost. Scenes never before seen in the history of the nation are now playing on TV screens and all over social media.

So, what does a believer do? What action should Christians (God's children) take at such a time? In times of trouble and great uncertainty, what should a child of God do? Should we run and hide? Absolutely not! Should we watch as spectators wondering how it will all end? Again the answer is NO. So, what can we do? Is it possible to stand on God’s word at such a time and see God's word deliver? Can our prayers work or make a difference? The answer is yes, a resounding YES! In times of uncertainty, we should stand on God’s word because it makes a difference and we CAN bring a change to what is happening around us too. In the midst of darkness, chaos and confusion, God’s people can use their light, the one they carry within them. 

If you are in a dark place but have a powerful flash light, you simply shine that light in the area you need illuminated and once you do this, you will see and know which way to go. The Bible says in Psalm 119 and verse 105 -

Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.

God’s word is the source of your light. When you spend time in God's word, it brings illumination showing you the way to go and that light also illuminates you on the inside. The word that brings light also gives you light within and in times of chaos or uncertainty you need that light to shine. I have two non-negotiables - 

Health in my body AND 

Peace in the Land

I have found that these two need to be in place for us to fulfill our purpose and destiny. And if you do not live in Kenya, or in a country where there is chaos and uncertainty, you should still use the light you carry within to make a difference in your environment; so this message still speaks to you. We should all learn how to Practice Peace even in the midst of a storm. We are living in the last days and need to use God’s word as our light at all times. Jesus once slept through a storm, and when his disciples woke him up in a panic, he commanded the storm to cease and it did then he rebuked them for their unbelief (Matthew 8:23-27). Another time, he walked on the storm (Matthew 14:22-32) and yet another time as he entered the boat, the boat supernaturally arrived at its location (John 6:16-21). This means that boat arrived at the other side of the lake and away from the storm instantly!!!

Every time Jesus encountered a storm, he did one of two things supernaturally - he either dealt with the storm or moved out of the storm's reach; and he always did this without fear. That means Jesus was ALWAYS at peace in the midst of the storms that came his way. 

Often though, we behave like the disciples when storms come. We just stand there panicking and powerless, totally in awe of the storm and unable to do anything. For people that carry the power of God, we hardly ever use that power because of fear or because we have forgotten or do not realize how powerful what we carry is. 

In the midst of a storm, in the midst of chaos, confusion and unrest, release the power you carry. You can do this effectively through prayer, through using the word of God and through obeying the instructions God gives you. When I mention prayer, I do not mean a five minute prayer that lists all the problems before you head off to work, school or home. I mean a time of prayer, where you can dedicate time and stay in God's presence until you hear from him. This is crucial because in times of uncertainty, chaos and confusion, we will move in fear when we do not know what to do. So, rather than running helter-skelter, stay in God. Seek his face through his word and through times of prayer. He WILL give you an answer of peace and keep, preserve, protect and provide for you.

There is a peace that passes all understanding and that peace makes no sense but once you have it, it delivers results. 

……and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus 

‭Philippians 4:7 NKJV‬

This peace makes no sense but it stands guard over your heart and your mind. Your heart will not be unshaken and your mind will be clear so that you can hear God clearly without fearful thoughts distracting you. The Amplified Bible Classic puts it this way:

And God's peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus

‭Philippians 4:7 AMPC‬

We need our hearts and minds to be at peace in times of uncertainty and we find this peace in God's presence. So this week, spend time in prayer and stay in his word, then His peace will garrison your heart.. 

Flourish in God this week ❤️


  1. Hallelujah 🙏. In the past two weeks God has been dealing with me in this area. I bless God for the rich teachings we get at KCN because they fortify us and personally I can see great change in my life. My perspective has changed completely to the glory of God . I have so much peace! Thank you Jesus. Thank you Pst Tywo. God bless you and your all

    1. I am very glad to hear and may that peace garrison you in Jesus name


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