Can you Live this Way for Life?

As born-again Christian, we pray, live by faith, walk in love, study the Word, are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, and the light of the world and there are many more words I can use to describe how we should live. We should be holy, an example, trust in God, be a blessing and the list goes on. This is the lifestyle of the believer.

But can we live this way all the time? 

Is it realistic to expect a person to fit the description of a believer like I put above? Can a person be born-again, walk in love, live by faith, pray, study the word, be righteous, holy and a good example? Remember my very first blog where I spoke about Making it Seamless? (If you cannot remember that blog, or have not yet read it, please go back and read it again). Do not put your life as a believer into compartments. Just love the Lord, live for him, obey his word and do what his word says. Spend time in fellowship with him, praying, praising and worshiping him and he will show you the areas where you need to work on things. 

It is the same thing as saying a woman is female, lives in Oxfordshire, has children, works as a lawyer, is married and that all her in-laws, siblings and parents are still alive. This woman ticks the boxes in all these areas but she doesn't have to stop one thing to be another thing. She doesn't have to stop being a woman, for example to become a lawyer. Neither does she need to stop being a lawyer in order to have children or quit being a mother in order to have in-laws or siblings. She doesn't need to stop everything else in order to live in Oxfordshire. All the things we have learnt about her are simply various aspects of her life and one doesn't cancel out the other. Similarly, your walking in love does not cancel out your living by faith or being the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Your prayer life doesn't interfere with you living a holy life 

If you however see your life as a believer as a bunch of chores, it will appear like you are doing many things or trying to do many things at the same time and you will burn out. We are in the last days and there is a lot going on around us. We can therefore not afford to take a break from our walk with God. We are in a life-giving relationship and our healthy relationship with God literally breathes life into every aspect of our lives. It is a vibrant relationship and flourishes on love from both sides, God’s and ours; and it is our most important relationship. 

Now, let's take a side journey and think of the patriarchs and see if we can remember any of the following. 

Do you remember the time when Moses told Aaron he was tired of leading God’s people and suggested that they leave the people and go off to start on their own?  

Or the time when David gave God an ultimatum saying God should either kill King Saul or he would leave and go back to his life as a shepherd? 

What about the time when Jesus stopped praying for the people because he needed someone to pray for him? Or the time when Paul got fed up with serving God and went off on a three month holiday?

Do you remember any of these? You probably don't because none of them happened. All the above had fellowship with God and served him consistently. Their relationship with God flourished and produced great results and so should ours. Our relationship with God breathes life into every area of our lives and in that consistency, there is great power. We are in an intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father and the more we learn, the more we want to know about him; and all we learn is for our benefit. 

So, do not try to compartmentalize your walk with God. He is not a slave master, a dictator or a wicked father. He is a loving Heavenly Father who only has the best in store for you and so you need to cherish that relationship. We all need to continually learn how we should live in this kingdom and enjoy all the benefits our Father has put in place for us. So, let’s all do this consistently and remember, we are in this for the long haul. 

So, flourish in God this week ❤️


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