If Words were Legal Tender What Would You Buy?

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am very particular about words. I pay attention to the words that come out of my mouth and always try to make sure that my words align with what I want to see. That doesn't mean I don't say the wrong thing from time to time. I do, but I always make sure to correct wrong words. 

I REALLY believe in the power of words.

I have seen words change my life, health and situation, so I do not take words lightly. Words are a curious thing though. Everybody has them but everyone uses them differently. What do I mean? 

Well, a man who is jobless can describe just how hopeless his situation is and he would be right. A widow can tell you how she has somehow managed to send all her kids to school with her little income. She can gush on about how two of her children have graduated from university and the last child just entered university. An unemployed graduate can tell you how she has struggled to get a job for the last four years while another graduate describes the opposite. They got a job within the first year after they graduated and are now in a management position without knowing anyone. A mother of five can tell you their heart breaking story of having to raise five children under the age of ten without any help from their father. All these people have used their words to describe a different reality. 

We all have the same access to words. There is no embargo on how many words we can speak and no limit to how long we can speak, when we can speak or the language which we use to speak; yet we all use our words differently. But what if words were legal tender? What if we could trade using our words? What if we could buy and sell and pay debts with just words? If you could do this, would your life be different? 

I can imagine people describing with enthusiasm how they would spend their words; buying only what they wanted. They would be convinced that their lives would have been remarkably different from what it currently is if words were legal tender. They would have bought houses, cars, ordered a good wife or husband and been living the life of their dreams. 

Now, what if they were told that every word was considered legal tender whether good or bad. That while good and wholesome words buy a wholesome and great life, wrong, bitter and wicked words can only buy a life of hardship and struggle and that every word counts. You would be amazed how people would change their speech and begin to talk differently. They would even change their way of talking if possible so that their words could buy whatever they want.

Now guess what? 

That is actually how words work already. They are already a legal tender of sorts in the realm of the Spirit. The divine law of words is that we will have whatever we say whether good or bad. 

[23] For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says  - Mark 11:23 NKJV

I recently spoke to a someone whose world was falling apart. Nothing was working and they were alarmed as things went from bad to worse. As they shared details of their current predicament which was bad, I could tell based on their words that things would only get worse because of their words. So, I asked them to change what they were saying. I told them to begin to praise instead of complain. I told them to begin to say what they would like to see instead of describing what they were experiencing. I asked them to recall anything that had happened in their past that had brought them joy. Then I told them to be thankful for those things and praise God. Finally, I told them what to say daily and give me daily updates. 

Guess what happened? 

Once the words changed and they replaced murmuring with gratitude, they began to see so many good things that had happened to them in the past. Suddenly, the daily updates they would send to me were now filled with testimonials. Help began to come for them as people suddenly began to reach out to them once again, and they became a different person. Now they were grateful, full of joy and excitement because everything was changing. 

That could be you going forward so let's try out this experiment. (I know it works!!!)

Your words are your legal tender and you only want good and wholesome things to happen for you this week; so go out and spend those words!!! And remember, every word counts so think first before you speak. 

Replace murmuring with gratitude, think of good and speak good ONLY; and think before you speak. 

Without a doubt, you will Flourish in God this week ❤️.


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