Character in Marriage - KINDNESS


As we have dealt with the character traits that help a marriage to work and flourish, I believe this has been a blessing and an eye-opener to you. Have you been working on yourself and manifesting these character traits? If you have, I am sure you have been seeing the benefits. And if you have not seen the benefits yet, keep at it; it is not too late. 

So far, we have looked at a few character traits - Love, Joy and Peace, Longsuffering and today, we will look at Kindness!!! Our theme scripture has been Galatians 5:21-22.

[22] But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, [23] gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law - Galatians 5:22-23 NKJV

Kindness is a character trait that is non-existent in many marriages. In fact, it is a character trait that is non-existent in many people. People seem to have forgotten what it means to be kind but it is a character trait that will take you really far. So, what is Kindness?

Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate. For many married couples, they probably showed a bit of this character trait in their courtship days. The guy was generous and also considerate of his girlfriend or fiancΓ©e. The lady always tried to be considerate and thoughtful of her boyfriend or finance feelings or needs. They tried to be there for each other by showing they cared, by being considerate of each other's feelings and needs and by being generous. They were kind to each other and it made their love for each grow deeper.

The Bible meaning Kindness is not much different from the dictionary definition. It means to show compassion and consideration for others. I read something as I researched this topic that said, “For any community to thrive, there must be kindness”. So, think of all the communities and marriages that have stopped thriving because kindness is now extinct. Couples are kind before they get married. They each show all the signs of a kind person before marriage so what happened? I believe we stop being kind to others when we begin to take them for granted. That means once we begin to fail to properly appreciate a person, we are taking that person for granted. Is that how you are in your marriage? We should never stop being kind to those we claim to love. 

Ruth showed kindness to Naomi, her mother in-law πŸ’–. At the point when she did this by choosing to stay with her and follow her back to Bethlehem, she did not need anything from her mother in-law. Her mother in-law had nothing to give. Afterall, her husband was dead. Instead, she went with her mother in-law and took great care of her. And what did she get in return for her generosity and kindness? She was became the wife of the richest man in Bethlehem. When she left her home country of Moab, she was not aware that her Mother in-law had any such relatives. God is the only one who can reward our acts of kindness but we should not show kindness to others because of reward. We should show kindness because it is the nature of our heavenly father. One of his benefits is found in Psalm 103 and verse 4.

….Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies - Psalms 103:4 NKJV

God is so loving that he crowns us with his loving kindness and tender mercies. Though God is Almighty and powerful, he did not think it beneath him to show loving kindness and tender mercies to us, so why would we not do the same to others!!!!

The good Samaria had nothing to gain by being kind to the injured man who was left for dead yet he picked him up, helped him and even paid for him to get great care until he was fully restored πŸ’–. 

When we stop showing people kindness, it is because our hearts have been hardened and so we feel no need to help, bless, give or be considerate to others YET we expect others to show us kindness. 

You will reap what you sow!!!

So, turn over a new leaf today and start showing kindness to others especially to your spouse. Be kind. Make breakfast, do that thing for them, help them, give them that cash if you can, say nice things to them and do it now πŸ’–.

It will probably be awkward at first since you haven't done it in a while, but keep at it. Say a kind word instead of keeping quiet when someone helps you. Express your gratitude and be kind, even to your children. You are a child of God and it is time you begin to behave like your Heavenly Father. 

Be KIND even when others are not. Your attitude will help to bring about a change in them. Be KIND and see how it will change the tone of things in your home πŸ’• πŸ’–  πŸ’• πŸ’–


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