Are you Ready to Wait Forever?

We just finished 40 powerful Days of Morning Praise and on the very last day, my husband made this statement: "If you are ready to wait forever, you will not have to wait for long" and that statement really hit me.

The premise of that statement is that, if you believe that God has heard and answered you, you will be at peace and be ready to wait for what you are convinced has already happened no matter how long it might take. If you believe you have the thing you have believed God for, you will not be running helter skelter because nothing appears to be happening. For most Christians though, our toughest time is while we are waiting for the answer, the miracle, the manifestation or breakthrough. It can be a tough time because nothing appears to be happening; so how do you wait at such times?That is my question: 

Are you ready to wait forever or can you keep waiting without seeing anything?

For most of us, we can wait as long as it is not for long. We trust God and believe his word, as long as we do not have to wait and many Christians are like this. They can trust God and wait as long as God steps up and does it NOW. The longer it takes though, the more jittery and uncomfortable they get. They begin to wonder if they heard God in the first place. 

What if I got it wrong?” or “Maybe God is not answering me because of what I said to John” or “perhaps it is because of how I treated Angie”; and so they repent and ask again and again. They are constantly checking, looking for ways to get that miracle to come in faster and when nothing happens, they circle to God. 

That is not how a person who is ready to wait forever behaves. That is how a person who is worried the promise will not come to pass behaves. They worry when things delay and begin to wonder what they can do to hasten things. They do not understand God is the one bringing their promise to pass and that all they need to do is to remain in faith. 

If you are looking for a job for instance and have gone for the interview, and now believe you have gotten your job; you will not panic. Even if you do not hear from the company, you do not conclude it is because you did not get the job. Instead you keep yourself busy, avoid worrying and constantly praise God and thank him for your job. To do otherwise would be to act in unbelief and unbelief guarantees you won't get that thing. 

Perhaps you are believing God for a baby or something else. Whatever the case, the same thing would still apply. As you wait expectantly every month for the news that you are now pregnant, you must remain in faith thanking God for your baby or babies. Your posture must be that of someone who is sure they have the answer to their prayer because they know God cannot lie.

They are ready to wait no matter how long it takes because they are convinced they have that blessing. And do not look for shortcuts or options like Abram who took his wife's advice and made her maid pregnant. Instead, stay in God's word and constantly encourage and remind yourself that God cannot lie. Hang around places (church) or people who can encourage your faith as you praise him, and keep your words in line with what you have believed and guess what? You won't have to wait forever because before long it will have manifested. 

So remember, If you are ready to wait forever, you will not have to wait for long.

Flourish in God this week ❤️


  1. Timely article ❤
    I am encouraged to know that God is interested in who I am becoming as I wait on Him


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