The power of a Word

Words, Words, Words….!!!

All around us words flow endlessly all day. Words that are directed at us, words that are directed at others and words that we hardly notice but that are always there. When someone talks to you, they use words. They use words to express their joy, their displeasure, their ignorance or their knowledge. Words reveal our understanding of situations, instructions and of life in general and we are always talking. However we may not fully appreciate the awesome power of words. Words can be used to destroy, to empower, to build up, to pull down and we do it all through the words of our mouth. However, we may not fully appreciate the awesome power of words. 

We may think they mean little or nothing especially when we are not sincere when we speak. If you say something to ease the pressure you are under even though you may not mean it, it might ease the pressure but come back to bite you later. If you say something that is not true to make an impression, it may accomplish the goal but those words will hold you to account later. And if you heard something about someone and then went ahead to spread those words in gossip to others, you have sinned. The Bible talks about seven things that God hates and look at the last two things:

[16] These six things the Lord hates, indeed, seven are an abomination to Him:

[19] A false witness who breathes out lies [even under oath], and he who sows discord among his brethren - Proverbs 6:16, 19 AMPC‬

God hates people who do the above. There are people who relish telling tales and sharing the latest gossip in town but don't be like them, because words are powerful. Words can seep into your consciousness without you even being aware of it. That is how you can discover you know the words of a song you never consciously learnt. As you heard those words over time, they began to make an impression on your mind and one day you opened your mouth and sang a song you were not even aware you knew! 

There are ladies who in their younger years said words about not wanting to get married or have children. However as they grew older, they had a change of mind and now want those things. Unfortunately, they had sowed a lot of seeds in their earlier years through their words and now struggle with getting married or/and having children. Their words went into their future to ensure that they had what they had said. Is this truly possible?

For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says - Mark 11:23 NKJV‬

The sad thing about words is that even if you do not mean it, the above scripture still holds true; you will have whatever you say. Words are containers. They are carriers of the things they release so when you say something, those words carry enough power to become a reality. Now, that's great news if you've been saying the right words but it's very bad news if you have been saying the wrong things. It is bad news if you have been saying anything that pops into your head under pressure, or when you are angry or discouraged. Your words have been sent on errand and they will deliver in due time UNLESS you cancel those words and begin to speak the right words. 

"No matter how helpless and powerless you feel, always remember that your words can bring you out or utterly seal your fate."

As powerful as your words are however, the person with the most powerful words is God and if you are a believer, he is your Father. God's words can turn situations around and change the trajectory of your life for the better. The Bible actually says that even after heaven and earth have passed away, God’s words will remain. 

Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away - Matthew 24:35 NKJV‬

God’s words are so dependable and solid that when there is nothing left of heaven and earth, his words will still remain. Isaiah 40 and verse 8 says -

The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.

God’s words stand or remain forever and Isaiah 55 and verse 11 tells us the best thing about God’s word.

[11] So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

God’s word will never go back to him empty, NEVER! Remember how words are containers? Well, God's word is so potent and eternal that it will not return to God until it has accomplished its purpose. God’s word are not like the words of a man - fickle and undependable. No. You can trust His words. He will never change his mind after he tells you something because God doesn't make mistakes. He is constant; the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8), so there is nobody as dependable as God. It therefore follows that when God tells you something, you can trust those words and take them to the bank. They WILL come to pass!!! So stop speaking the wrong words. You are sowing seeds that will come to pass unless you cancel and nullify them. But how do you do this? 

SAY - I cancel every wrong word I have spoken over my life and destiny and speak a crop failure over those words in Jesus name. They will not prosper in my life. And now, I begin to speak words of life and peace over my life and destiny. It is a new day in my life. 

Now, refuse to tell tales or spread gossip and only speak good over yourself going forward. Now, embrace God's word and begin to speak His words over your life and affairs and do not waver in your words. And I can give you some good words to start you off this week. 

Begin to say as often as you can in the course of each day - “It is a new day in my life. Things are working in my favor and I flourish and prosper”. 

Flourish in God this week ❤️


  1. It is a new day in my life. Things are working in my favour and I flourish and prosper!!!

  2. It is a new day in my life. Things are working in my favor and I flourish and prosper. I am fruitful I will Excel and great Testimonies are my portion, for me and my family In Jesus mighty Name


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