In His Presence

In recent times, I have been enjoying my time of fellowship with God. I have to plan it though. I have to sleep early so I can wake up early. I'm one of those people who must sleep early to wake up early. Now, I am naturally inclined to sleeping late but I have been finding out that I want to spend more time with my Heavenly Father; so I began to sleep earlier. Instead of being on my phone before I sleep or watching some TV till I feel sleepy, I try to shelve those activities and just get into bed so I can sleep and wake up early and spend as much time as possible with my Father; and I often feel like I need more time when I am done!

There are things I want to talk to him about. Things I need clarity on and then there is my time of praise and basking in his presence and all that takes time. I also find out that when I am praying in the spirit (speaking in tongues), God speaks to me about things I didn't even know I needed to know about. It would seem that once I create the right atmosphere, I have an amazing time in his presence. There are no distractions and I hear Him crystal clear and it is just amazing. 

I find that once it is 6 in the morning, there are so many things to do and I cannot concentrate fully if I am in prayer. So the trick for me is to wake up early and do everything before 6am or at least be done before 6:30 in the morning.

Human beings are such busy beings. We have places to go, things to do and even when it's just to have fun, we are always busy heading somewhere. With such busy schedules, how can we make time for God? How do you get to spend time with God when you are so busy? Well, let me tell you, no matter how busy you are, spending time with your Heavenly Father should be a must and not a maybe. You cannot afford NOT to spend time with him. It helps you set the right pace for the day and things then flow. God knows what your day holds but if you don't spend time with him, you are going into your day unprepared. In Mark 1:35, we are told how Jesus would go off to pray a long time before dawn.

Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray. 

‭Mark 1:35 NLT‬

If Jesus needed to spend time with his Father, what makes you think that you can get by without doing the same thing. You cannot! Jesus would commit his day into the hands of God and we need to do so too. One of the confessions we learnt in university was this -

"I am very sensitive to the leadings and promptings of the Holy Spirit and I respond positively to them”

I still take that confession till today and I have taught it to so many people. You can only be sensitive when you can hear the voice of the Lord but you cannot hear or tell the voice of someone you never spend time with. To hear God speaking to me during my times of prayer and telling me about things I need to do always blesses me. 

Besides, it always seems like he can't wait to tell me what to do once I make the time and create the right atmosphere. Christians would not have so many mishaps if they would just check in with God. If they could just make time out of their busy schedules for the One who keeps all things together. It is ridiculous to be busy heading nowhere or heading into some trouble yet you know someone who knows but you are just too busy to check with him. 

The time spent in God’s presence is so precious, so enriching and so enlightening. It brings calm and gives clarity. Hope and joy are restored and you KNOW you are not alone. So stop running off into your day without spending time with him. And listen, do what works for you. Your time could be at night but whatever time it is, make sure there are no distractions. 

You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Psalms 16:11 NKJV‬

Make the time this week and make it a habit and being to enjoy fullness of joy and the benefits of always having God on your side. 

Flourish in God this week ❤️


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