If Words were Legal Tender What Would You Buy?

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am very particular about words. I pay attention to the words that come out of my mouth and always try to make sure that my words align with what I want to see. That doesn't mean I don't say the wrong thing from time to time. I do, but I always make sure to correct wrong words. I REALLY believe in the power of words. I have seen words change my life, health and situation, so I do not take words lightly. Words are a curious thing though. Everybody has them but everyone uses them differently. What do I mean? Well, a man who is jobless can describe just how hopeless his situation is and he would be right. A widow can tell you how she has somehow managed to send all her kids to school with her little income. She can gush on about how two of her children have graduated from university and the last child just entered university. An unemployed graduate can tell you how she has struggled to get a job for the last four years while another graduate des...