
Showing posts from July, 2024

If Words were Legal Tender What Would You Buy?

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am very particular about words. I pay attention to the words that come out of my mouth and always try to make sure that my words align with what I want to see. That doesn't mean I don't say the wrong thing from time to time. I do, but I always make sure to correct wrong words.  I REALLY believe in the power of words. I have seen words change my life, health and situation, so I do not take words lightly. Words are a curious thing though. Everybody has them but everyone uses them differently. What do I mean?  Well, a man who is jobless can describe just how hopeless his situation is and he would be right. A widow can tell you how she has somehow managed to send all her kids to school with her little income. She can gush on about how two of her children have graduated from university and the last child just entered university. An unemployed graduate can tell you how she has struggled to get a job for the last four years while another graduate desc

Character in Marriage: LOVE

Last week, we began a discussion on what Character in a Marriage looks like. We said that while character refers to personality traits that make you who you are, Christian Character is different.  Every time I refer to character from this point onwards, know that I am actually referring to Christian character. To refresh our memory, Christian Character is who we are because of our relationship with Christ. As a result, everything we do as christians mirrors or should mirror our relationship with Him. It means our character is now shaped by Christ. We also said that before we came to Christ, we might have said regarding our character traits that, “ it was who we were ”. We however saw that those traits are actually works of the flesh . These were simply our carnal desires which we yielded to convinced it could not be changed.  [ 19] When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, [20] idolatry, sorcery, hosti

Mama Rosetta's Crispy Fried Chicken

I was taught this recipe by an African American woman on her 70s who I fondly referred to as my American mum 🥰. She's gone home to be with the Lord now, but she was an awesome cook and I learnt at lot from her so it is only right that I dedicate this recipe to her.  I met Mama while we lived in America and she became my 'mom'. Years later, when we came back to Africa and to Kenya in particular, Mama followed us and lived with us for two years before getting a place of her. She lived in Kenya for a few years before going back to America. I have tweeked the recipe a bit over the years adding sugar, garlic and even rosemary to my brine, but it is still the same basic recipe Mama taught me ❤️. It beats KFC and I know you will love it.  Ingredients :                    8 pieces of chicken                    Salt                     Sugar                     Water                    Black pepper                    Garlic powder                    2 cups of Flour                

Character in Marriage

Character in the dictionary means the moral qualities that are distinctive to an individual. This means your personality will reveal your moral qualities. So if you say someone is mean, unforgiving and selfish for instance; you are describing the moral qualities of that person.  Character in the Bible or better put, Christian Character is different. You see, character refers to personality traits that make you who you are. So, what then is Christian Character? Christian character is who we are because of our relationship with Christ. This means, as a result of our relationship with Jesus, everything we do mirrors or should mirror our relationship with him. It means our character is now shaped by Christ. Before we became Christians, our character was shaped and affected by whatever was happening around us, how we were feeling, who we were with or what we had been exposed to.  If we behaved badly, we didn't necessarily feel a need to change our behavior because that was who we were o

Can you Live this Way for Life?

As born-again Christian, we pray, live by faith, walk in love, study the Word, are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, and the light of the world and there are many more words I can use to describe how we should live. We should be holy, an example, trust in God, be a blessing and the list goes on. This is the lifestyle of the believer. But can we live this way all the time?  Is it realistic to expect a person to fit the description of a believer like I put above? Can a person be born-again, walk in love, live by faith, pray, study the word, be righteous, holy and a good example? Remember my very first blog where I spoke about Making it Seamless ? (If you cannot remember that blog, or have not yet read it, please go back and read it again). Do not put your life as a believer into compartments. Just love the Lord, live for him, obey his word and do what his word says. Spend time in fellowship with him, praying, praising and worshiping him and he will show you the areas where you ne

What To Do When Things Are Not Working

One of the things that happens when a relationship is failing is that many feel there is nothing they can do to stop the free fail and so they will often do nothing or allow their emotions to lead them and this is dangerous. The nature of marriage is such that when you fall in love with your partner and get married, you enter into a relationship where you are naked in every sense of the word. Like we shared a few weeks ago, you are naked and not ashamed and you will stay that way unless something happens that destroys your confidence in the relationship. It could be something your spouse begins to do or something you yourself begin to do.  I know of a couple who were happily married and who had no secrets until the wife decided to surprise her husband with a birthday party. They had a joint bank account but because she now needed funds for her surprise party, she stopped putting money in their joint account and obviously she could not explain why to her husband. Her silence brought dis

It SHALL come to Pass....

The phrase " And it shall come to pass ” is a wonderful phrase that occurs quite often in the Bible; a hundred and twenty times (120) in the King James Version in fact; and it means Something you have waited for will finally happen . It WILL happen! But does it just happen like magic or is there something we need to do to ensure God’s word comes to pass in our lives? In Deuteronomy 28 and verse 1, it reads - [1] “ Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth ” This clearly shows that God’s word comes to pass in our lives as we do our part - as we honor, obey and observe to do that word. God is not a man that he should lie neither is he the son of man that he should repent. If he says something to us, we can take that word to the bank because it WILL come to pass.  [19] “ God is not a man, that He should l

It's NOT working...

It was a fairytale wedding. The bride was a beautiful blushing bride and the groom was a tall handsome Mr. Charming. Immediately after their wedding, they went on their honeymoon and it was perfect and a dream come true for both of them. They couldn't believe how blessed they were, then they came back from their honeymoon and things changed and the husband began to wonder what happened to the beautiful bride he went on his honeymoon with.  She had changed once they got back home. They both had to go back to work immediately after their honeymoon and that was when their troubles started. She was a very untidy person while he was a clean freak. He would pick up after her all the time because he couldn't stand the mess she always seemed to make. She on the other hand now found him stiff and boring. Where was the romantic and loving man she had married? Now, he was a control freak and complained about everything. Things she used to find cute about him were now super annoying. For i

Practise PEACE

If you live in Kenya, you know that the past two weeks have been characterized by chaos, unrest and protests; and sadly there have been lives lost. Scenes never before seen in the history of the nation are now playing on TV screens and all over social media. So, what does a believer do? What action should Christians (God's children) take at such a time? In times of trouble and great uncertainty, what should a child of God do? Should we run and hide? Absolutely not! Should we watch as spectators wondering how it will all end? Again the answer is NO. So, what can we do? Is it possible to stand on God’s word at such a time and see God's word deliver? Can our prayers work or make a difference? The answer is yes, a resounding YES! In times of uncertainty, we should stand on God’s word because it makes a difference and we CAN bring a change to what is happening around us too. In the midst of darkness, chaos and confusion, God’s people can use their light, the one they carry within th