Character in Marriage - FAITHFULNESS

We continue our study on Christian character and today we will look at faithfulness. Our theme scripture remains the same.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, [gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law

Galatians 5:22-23 NKJV

Can you tell that these character traits would make a huge difference if you would just incorporate them into your life? Start now if you have not yet begun to develop them. Start with one character trait and it will lead to others. You see, all these character traits (fruit of the Spirit), originate from the Spirit of God and once you begin to practice or develop one character trait, it leads to developing others too. 

Situations tend to bring out character traits that are undesirable when we lack godly character. That is why arguments between couples get out of hand. One or both partners chose to yield to their emotions when they disagree. Now imagine if you begin to develop and practice what you have learnt so far? Think of the arguments and misunderstandings that would have been avoided. Anyway, let’s get back to today’s character trait - faithfulness.

What is faithfulness?

Faithfulness comes from the word faithful which means to remain loyal and steadfast. So faithfulness is the quality of being faithful, constant and steadfast. It is being devoted, steadfast and careful to keep what we are entrusted with. It is a conviction that the scriptures accurately reflect reality and a commitment to live by those values.

In marriage, faithfulness speaks of fidelity which is faithfulness to your spouse. However, I want us to start with faithfulness as a believer. If I am faithful to the Word of God and commit to live by it making it my compass for godly living, that commitment and devotion to the word of God will flow into every other area of my life. It will show up at work, so I will not go to the office and lie that I want to use the bathroom when I am going to chat on my phone. I will not call in to say my baby is sick so that I can skip work and do my own thing. That commitment and loyalty to God’s word will guide my actions and attitude. 

I will be careful with my words. Lying is so commonplace for example that we say things that are untrue without missing a beat or feeling guilty. We can lie about our location when we are late for an appointment, lie about what we are doing or how much we have on us (when we do not want to give to others). This means we are not true to our word, do not represent the Father and cannot be trusted. A faithful person on the other hand, is dependable and can be trusted to keep their word. Faithfulness is definitely a character trait that we can ALL develop and that we need to keep developing. 

Remember that you are developing this character trait as a believer and that it flows into other areas of your life; and in a home and marriage, faithfulness goes a long way! Faithfulness in marriage means you are committed to your vows, loyal to your spouse, dependable and a man or woman of your word. Your partner can depend on you, trust in you and so can your children. You may not have all you would like to have in terms of finances and resources but they know you are 100% committed to them. Your word holds water and you are steadfast. You are careful and devoted to God’s word and want to see that word producing in your home, so you are an example of the believer. You are not perfect, but your loved ones know you love God, love them and can be trusted to uphold Godly values. 

Faithfulness is a character trait that is vital in a marriage. We want those closest to us to be loyal, devoted, steadfast, trustworthy and be people who believe God’s word accurately reflects reality and are committed to the values of that Word but we must be a reflection of the same values. We must become what we want to see in others where faithfulness is concerned. So, we all need to develop this fruit and continue to develop it daily. 

And even if you feel you are faithful and think your partner is the one that is lacking, be an example of Faithfulness and do it in love. That means you lead by example in love and not in a condescending or condemning manner.

Be an example of a faithful Christian and it will flow into your home. 

See you next week ❤️.


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