Stop Waiting and making Excuses!!!

What do I say on my first blog?

Writing has always been my passion. Whether it's scribbling in notebooks of various sizes or typing away on my phone or laptop, I find solace and joy in putting my thoughts into words. My collection of notebooks ranges from ones filled with church notes to those dedicated to crafting messages for preaching, and even a tiny one solely for capturing fleeting ideas that flood my mind.

Among my most cherished apps are those designed for writing. Whenever I upgrade my phone, ensuring the safe transfer of my notes becomes a top priority. Unfortunately, I've experienced the heartache of losing some notes due to various reasons. Each lost word feels like a piece of my soul, reminding me of their value.

However, I noticed something disturbing. No matter what I wrote or what great idea I got, I always attached its implementation to somebody else or to something beyond my control. There was always a reason why I could not implement this or that idea. It would seem that there was always something that I wanted to do that needed something beyond my control and so I would wait patiently. 

If I was asked why I hadn't done something I said I was going to do, what came out of my mouth were excuses and soon I was full of a plethora of excuses. I haven't done this because of that... I couldn't do that just yet because I was waiting for something else to happen first... Or, I will do that when this and that happens and soon I realized I wasn't moving forward because of all these excuses. 

Watching others achieve remarkable feats only intensified my desire to act, yet my excuses continued to hold me back. Finally, I realized it had to stop. I could not keep pegging my progress to things that were out of my control and so I decided to go forward and stop making excuses.

Whenever I hit a wall, I would begin to think of other ways I could make my ideas a reality. You see, at the core of my being, I am an idealist so things have to work a particular way for me to move forward. Now I realized I needed to adapt to a more pragmatic approach (thanks to my husband) and though the transition has not been easy, it has been essential in propelling me forward. 

When I first began to think this new way, I couldn't see other ways except the ways I had planned but slowly the Lord began to open my eyes and I began to think differently no longer obscured by rigid thinking. I keep moving and when I get stuck, I simply ask God to open my eyes. I have since discovered a wealth of untapped resources within myself.   

My previous way of thinking had made it impossible to think or see differently but now I no longer make excuses or blame anybody for things I had not done. I shifted accountability solely to myself and now I can embrace endless possibilities awaiting exploration. I simply look for ways to get things done.

So, if you find yourself waiting, pondering legitimate reasons for stalled projects or unrealized dreams, I urge you to make a pivotal decision: refuse to make excuses or blame external factors. That singular decision will open you up to the amazing ENDLESS possibilities available to you.

Welcome to your new world—a world where excuses hold no power, and possibilities are truly endless.


  1. I am blessed to be married to this amazing Jewel. Brains and beauty! Keep it up. The best is yet to come.

  2. Lovely first post. Happy blogging!!!

  3. This is pretty incredible. Congratulations Pstr T!

  4. This really resonates with me. Thanks for sharing😊

    1. I thank God for this and God bless Lillian.

  5. Congratulations Pastor Taiwo. This is a beautiful piece and I can relate very well.

  6. Such a great read. I can hear your voice as I read!


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