Everything Clicks When It Is God


Something amazing happened over the weekend that could only have been a combination of prayer, the will of God and angelic intervention, and it got me thinking.

We had traveled to Nyeri because my husband was ministering in a church there. He was to minister on Saturday morning and then we were to head back to Nairobi for another meeting on Saturday afternoon. However, the church in Nyeri asked if he would take their two services on Sunday as well. They had no idea he had a meeting in Nairobi after the breakfast meeting they had invited him for.

Well, my husband turned it over, felt a release to minister in the Nyeri church on Sunday and so he accepted their invitation; thus we had a packed and busy weekend with a good part of the weekend spent on the road!!! 

We had prayed about the meeting in Nyeri and the one in Nairobi. Both were God-ordained and we were excited to see what God would do at both meetings. However, for the timings to work perfectly, we needed to finish the meeting in Nyeri in good time to get to Nairobi for the afternoon meeting on time. However, the breakfast meeting did not start as early as was expected, so we got on the road to Nairobi at 12:30 for a meeting that was to start at 3pm. The journey typically takes about 3 hours but that is without the unexpected like accidents and weekend traffic which when added to the mix makes the journey a LOT longer. 

So leaving for Nairobi at 12:30 meant we were cutting it really close. Well, we set off for Nairobi but we weren't speeding and trying to get to Nairobi in a hurry. We simply drove but it seemed something was hastening our journey. There was no build-up of weekend traffic, the journey was smooth and it felt like the road had been cleared for us. We got to Nairobi in 2 hours and it took another 20 minutes to get to the next meeting. (It should have taken much longer to navigate through Nairobi to the venue of the Nairobi meeting).

So what happened?

What happened was a combination of prayers, being in the center of God's will and angelic activity.

The meetings were God's will but still we prayed for the meetings and asked for God to lead, speak to his people and be glorified and he showed up! Now, because we were in God's will and had prayed, God could protect us and give us supernatural speed, and so we arrived at the meeting in Nairobi exactly at the time it was to start. In fact, we arrived earlier; so what happened?

We are able to enjoy the supernatural when what we are doing is the will of God and when we have committed those plans (God's plans) to Him. God is then able to lead and release all we need to accomplish his will. However many start with a plan that is their own and then ask God to bless it, expecting see experience speed, breakthroughs and the blessings. It won't work. It only works when God is at the center and when we are praying for his leading to carry out His will.

So this week, follow his will and plans - which you will get in the place of prayer, then God can step in, grant you speed and bless the work of your hands 🙏🏼 

Flourish in God this week ❤️


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