
Showing posts from April, 2024

Make your own love story

Love stories are wonderful and as a young girl in highschool, I was addicted love stories.  There were these romance novels called Mills and Boon and I had an insatiable appetite for them. I read hundreds of Mills and Boon even when I had exams!!! Studying for an exam was only exciting IF I had a Mills and Boon to read by the side. It's a miracle that I passed my GCE exams because I read more Mills and Boon than my books.  Once I got into University though, there wasn't that much time to read novels. There were lectures and tutorials to attend, assignments to finish and there were loads of studying to be done, so I slowly stopped reading Mills and Boon romance novels and had to read my school books instead. I haven't read Mills and Boon for decades but the years of reading those novels in highschool had an impact. I thought nothing of it until I began to think of the sort of man I would marry.  That was when I realized that Mills and Boon had sown a seed in me. I was now lo

What to expect Every Week

Every MONDAY:  It will be all things Faith as we build our faith in God's word and get charged for the week ahead. Every WEDNESDAY: Wednesday will be family day. We will talk about Family and the Home. Marriages are under severe attack from the enemy and so we will learn practical things we can do to improve the health of our homes. Every FRIDAY: In the musical "Oliver Twist", there was a song titled 'Food glorious food', and on Tywo Things Fridays, will be Food day. We will try out recipes that we can make over the weekend to make things a little more interesting. We will even have a weekend where we cook together (online of course) but that will be later. I will give you time to get your hands wet first 😉.  So, there will always be something to look forward to every week. 

Stop Waiting and making Excuses!!!

What do I say on my first blog? Writing has always been my passion. Whether it's scribbling in notebooks of various sizes or typing away on my phone or laptop, I find solace and joy in putting my thoughts into words. My collection of notebooks ranges from ones filled with church notes to those dedicated to crafting messages for preaching, and even a tiny one solely for capturing fleeting ideas that flood my mind. Among my most cherished apps are those designed for writing. Whenever I upgrade my phone, ensuring the safe transfer of my notes becomes a top priority. Unfortunately, I've experienced the heartache of losing some notes due to various reasons. Each lost word feels like a piece of my soul, reminding me of their value. However, I noticed something disturbing. No matter what I wrote or what great idea I got, I always attached its implementation to somebody else or to something beyond my control. There was always a reason why I could not implement this or that idea. It wou